What to look for when buying solar panels

If there’s one thing we get plenty of here in Australia, it’s sunshine! This puts us in an enviable position when it comes to making use of the energy which the sun creates to supply our appliances, heating systems and even vehicles. Solar energy is low-cost and environmentally friendly to create. Many people can convert the sun’s energy into electricity, quickly and easily, with a solar system. If you’re considering buying solar panels, take a look at our tips for making sure you choose wisely.

How to select the right panel

There are a lot of choices when it comes to Solar Panels, from cost effective entry level panels too high-end panels with greater efficiency, better heat tolerance, and longer warranties.

Some solar panels more efficiently harvest the suns energy than others. There is usually a trade-off between efficiency and cost, with more effective panels also being more expensive. Ultimately your choice will be influenced by factors such as how long you intend to remain in the property, how much energy you use and what your available budget might be. Argon Solar offer a range of solar packages to suit your needs. Click here to check out some of our options.

buying solar panelsSolar panel warranty

Over time, even robust solar panels can begin to degenerate. A longer warranty protects you from future costs associated with on-going wear and tear.

Factors to consider when selecting the location of your Solar System:

  • You will need to consider what you are wanting to achieve with your solar system and what of day is your peak energy consumption
  • Typically solar panels are installed on the East, North and West faces of the the roof, this is due to the path the sun follows on its daily path across the sky
  • Panels installed on the north face will generate power across the day with peak production in the middle of the day
  • Panels on the east will be at peak production late morning and will stop producing earlier in the day, whilst western facing panels will produce later into the afternoon/early evening
  • Combinations of these can usually be installed depending on space.

Make buying solar panels easy

For expert advice about your particular situation please get in touch and we can tailor a system to best suit your needs. Argon Solar can help make the decisions regarding buying solar panels easy, call us today on 0402 333 162‬.